Ace Alarm Services


087 2205570 24HR OR 021 7335896



"In God We Trust, Everyone Else We Monitor"


Ace Alarm ServicesAce Alarm ServicesAce Alarm Services



Ace Alarm Services provide a full range of Gate Automation Systems, sometimes referred to as Electric Gates for domestic, commercial and industrial use. We will assist you in selecting the right system for your gate to enhance the appearance and security of your home or business.


We would recommend that you consult us before commencing any new house build, especially if your entrance gates are the very last job you plan on doing. Because automating your gates is so far down the list of things to do, certain things tend to get forgotten, like:

  • No electrical supply at gate location
  • No cable for intercom system at gate location
  • No ductwork in place between the pillars
  • No conduit in place for intercom and safety cells
  • No foundation boxes installed and gates already hanging
  • No foundation boxes installed and driveway finished.
  • No soak ways or drainage pipes installed for foundation boxes
  • No suitable location for mounting control equipment

Of course all these items can be installed after, but think of the cost and hassle involved in having to do all this work with all driveways, lawns, footpaths etc already finished

If you are thinking about Gate Automation, think of the 6 P’s:

Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Poor Performance.



Ace Alarm Services Top Tip:

Get a maintenance contract for your automated gates. I bet that you know several people with automated gates whose system is constantly breaking down. Automated gates should be serviced annually as moving parts need to be greased, drainage checked, safety cells tested etc.

Please contact us if you would like a quote for a maintenance contract on an existing set of gates.


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