The Private Security Authority (PSA) have been advised by the Commission for Energy Regulation (CER) that new safety legislation relating to electrical work in the home will come into effect from 1st October 2013. As a result only Registered Electrical Contractors (RECs) may carry out electrical work in residential premises.
These new regulations include electrical works which PSA licensed contractors carry out within residential premises (including any part of its out-buildings or curtilage used for non-commercial purposes). Such work might involve the installation of a new system where there is no spur in place.
A person who is not a REC but who carries out significant work within residential premises will be liable to a fine of up to €15,000 or a term of imprisonment of up to 3 years or both.
PSA licensed contractors should also note that if they complete electrical work in commercial premises which is not to an adequate standard and there is subsequent injury or loss of life, then they may be subject to prosecution under other legislation. Therefore, while not a legal requirement CER recommends that only Registered Electrical Contractors carry out electrical works on commercial premises.
Further information is available on the CER website, .
The PSA expects all licensed contractors to comply with the new legislation.
Where breaches of the legislation or breaches of the National Wiring Rules (ET 101) are notified to the PSA action will be taken against the licence holder and may include the suspension or revocation of the PSA licence.